"Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse" is a Japanese survival horror game developed by "Koei Tecmo."
In March 2023 "Koei Tecmo" has released a remastered version of "Fatal Frame : Mask of the Lunar Eclipse."
This is a good news for the fans of who have also been waiting for "Fatal Frame : Mas of the Lunar Eclipse."
"Mask of the Lunar Eclipse" is based on a story of a small fictional island called "Rogetsu Island" which located off the coast of southern Japan.
There is a festival celebrated in "Rogetsu Island" known as "Rogetsu Festival" which takes place once in every ten years.
During the "Rogetsu Festival" five girls who live in a sanatorium mysteriously disappeared.
A detective was sent to investigate the island and rescued them but their memories of the incident were lost.
After ten years 2 more girls disappeared again. And their friends Ruka, Misaki, and Madoka explore the island to uncover the dark secrets of the missing girls.
Player takes on the role of "Ruka", who explore the abandoned mansion on Rogetsu Island where the five missing girls once resided.
So if you are a fan of horror game must play this game. Thanks!