FAUG TDM & SICO Mobile are the most awaited Indian games. Recently there is an update regarding FAUG TDM as well as about the SICO Mobile coming back soon.
1. FAUG Mobile TDM Release Date & Gameplay:
There is an official announcement regarding the FAUG Mobile TDM. The official gameplay trailer of the FAUG game is coming soon.
Do not confuse between the cinematic trailer and the gameplay trailer.
A gameplay trailer of any game shows the real gameplay of any game so, get ready to see FAUG TDM mode.
There is no official date announcement about this trailer but we will get it very soon.
It is confirmed that the main focus of developers will be on TDM gameplay experiences like gameplay mechanics and physics. Means developers are trying to enhance the gameplay experience of the users.
Developers are working on character movement, shooting mechanism, physics, graphical management, and user interface to make it a better game.
In the upcoming updates, you will get a smooth and better gameplay experience.
According to the demand and feedback, other features will be added.
Chat support, custom room, battle pass, gyro support will not available in the starting, but on a demand basis, developers will add everything to the game.
Leave your comment about which feature you want first. So, developers will add it first.
FAUG Battle Royale Mode:
We have official news about the FAUG Battle Royale mode also.
First, the company has to established the TDM servers, make TDM best, and have to add all the demanding features.
When all these things are fixed then after 8-9 months letter developers may add the Battle Royale mode in it.
2. SICO Mobile:
SICO Mobile is a made-in-Indian game. The beta version of it launched on 28th May 2021 and closed after 4 hours.
Within 4 hours game was removed from the Play store, and servers were shut down, and now you can’t download it.
Users who download this game complaining that servers are not responding properly, there is a lag in the game, graphics are not good, the location of the maps are not good, the game is not responsive, and the game is not as promised.
According to the official announcement of SICO Mobile, the game was available for pre-registration, and within some days they got 300,000 pre-registration.
When the beta version was launch then servers shut down within 4 hours. Because servers were available for 10,000 users and they got more than 50,000 users.
Due to the servers’ overload, they shut down the servers.
It doesn’t mean that it is the end of the SICO game. SICO game will be coming back after fixing everything according to the feedback. They will fix the servers, graphics and make gameplay smoother.
There is no official announcement about when it will come back.
According to the SICO developers, they are just working on a small Indian project, and users play their game. But SICO Mobile becomes a popular upcoming game.
There is a disappointment to developers because users comparing the SICO game with other popular games like FAUG.
SICO is a low-budget game developed by a small group of developers. So, keep supporting Indian developers because they are working hard for us.
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