Know the Apex Legends Mobile Global Release Date and about it’s trailer, teaser, announcements and soft launch. Read below to know the Apex Legends Mobile release date.
Apex Legends Mobile:
Testing of the closed beta version of the apex legends mobile was completes in India, Philippines and many more countries.
When the closed beta version was launch in India, then there are almost 1000 slots only. But, around 50% of the total slots are taken by foreigners using VPN.
It same thing Indians did with the Philippines when the closed beta was launch there.
But the point is that people who get the chance to play closed beta version are unhappy. According to the users it can not compete with pubg.
Did you know? Only one map World’s Edge was with very few legion characters were available in the closed beta.
Along with this, the gameplay was caped at 30PS with low settings. So, users are complaining that apex legends mobile is not a smooth game.
The reason behind it, that time game was caped at 30PR with low settings. As well as the textures & their anti-aliasing quality was set at low.
The actual game will be very smooth with up to 120FPS, and the visual qualities and textures will be ultra. So, don’t worry about the quality of the game.
Kindly do not judge any game just because of its quality and smoothness in closed beta testing.
Closed beta testing is done to fix the glitches and bugs of the games. Similarly, in this game also developers are working on it.
Recent Updates:
According to the developers, Apex Legends Mobile is not going to launch within the 2021 year. Developers need more time to make it a beautiful and more interesting game.
Apex Legends Mobile will be going to launch next year. It will be launch in March or April, Let’s wait and see what happens.
So, you should play the open beta version and send your feedback to developers so they can resolve all the bugs and glitches. After that, it will be launched globally for all users.
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